You Should Know...


Segue has led the development and launch of Peak Health Alliance, an employer purchasing collaborative in Summit County. Its efforts have resulted in groundbreaking partnerships with Centura Health, Bright Health, and Rocky Mountain Health Plans. The result? Access to more affordable, high quality health care for the residents of Summit County.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently asked Segue to perform an analysis of state-level health policy environments.  RWJF is interested in how future grant investments might foster environments that are more supportive of health system transformation and integrated health care.

Segue Consulting’s work with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment led to the creation of the first public-private state tobacco quit line.  As a result of our ability to facilitate a collaborative dialogue between the state’s commercial health plans and the state tobacco program, Colorado is the only state in the country in which all of the major health plans reimburse the Colorado Quit Line for services provided to their commercial members. Segue Consulting has continued to help public sectors clients from the Centers for Disease Control to the States of Ohio, Florida, Utah, and California develop public-private partnerships.


Segue Consulting worked with Pinnacol Assurance, a large workers' compensation carrier, to develop and implement a groundbreaking worksite wellness initiative for policyholders and their employees.  As a result of this work, a definitive link between health risk factors and the incidence and cost of workers' compensation was identified and the program demonstrated statistically significant improvements in those health risk factors.  Engagement rates in excess of 50%, very high employer retention rates, and high employee satisfaction rates has made this a pioneering demonstration of the power of Total Worker Health.

Segue Consulting has been integrally involved with the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions (formerly National Business Coalition on Health)  eValue8 initiative almost since its inception.  In addition to scoring and conducting site visits between national employers and health plans regarding the health plans’ performance, Segue has helped with a number of strategic initiatives to help the National Alliance succeed in supporting its mission and promoting value based purchasing .  Segue is currently working with the National Alliance and the Centers for Disease Control to identify ways to collaborate on areas of common interest between private purchasers and public health.